The internship is an opportunity designed for the students to share their visions, to walk around the links between students' academic preparation and their field work. Internships also support participants in developing and carrying out the major research project which will serve to culminate their internship experience. The ORIC acts as Focal Point for dealing with students and the institute/organization and will be responsible for ensuring effective use of the internees' services.
The Government of the Punjab has launched a special program “Punjab Youth Internship Program” in which professional degree/diploma holders are engaged in the relevant activities through ORIC. International students from Australia, Germany, Sweden and Malaysia do their internships at UAF and ORIC facilitates them and ensure their effective engagement in the relevant disciplines.

SOP Regarding Placement of Student for Internship
Before commencement of the semester, Govt. Research & Extension Institutes/Private Sector are requested for the placement of students in their institutes/firms.

  • Consent of the students is also kept in consideration before the placement.
  • After seeking the demand of the host Institute and keeping in view the preference of the student, information on the prescribed proforma is compiled:
  • Name of student, Father name
  • Registration No./Department
  • Email address
  • Cell No. or contact No.
  • Domicile District
  • Preferred place for internship
  • Dist./Tehsil for placement
  • Department/Institute/Faculty wise monitoring-cum coordination teams are constituted to follow up the progress of the internees and resolve the issues (if any).
  • A prescribed evaluation sheet is sent to Host Institute to evaluate the performance of the internee.
  • A work done / task completion report is prepared by the internee and is counter singed by the Internship Station Supervisor (ISS) & Head of the Host Institute for onward submission to UAF.
  • After successful completion of the internship, dully signed report is submitted by the internee at UAF in the relevant department / Institute & is evaluated at department / faculty/ Institute level by with presentation and oral exam. The duration and distribution of the marks is appended
  • After presenting the task completion report publically (in seminar), the result of the student is sent to Controller of Examinations, following the grading system of UAF for notification:
  • Grade is reflected in the transcript of student.

In case of international student, the internees are provided lodging / boarding on free of cost basis while living expenses are borne by the internees. Security and other facilities are also provided to the internees

Punjab Youth Internship Program
The Govt. of the Punjab has initiated a special program “Punjab Youth Internship Program” with the aim to enhance the competencies & skills of the professional degree/diploma holders by placing them in the institutes of their relevant discipline. Private sector has stepped forward for the capacity building of the internees in line with the Govt. efforts. The UAF has framed out a policy guide lines to entertain the internees under this program.
The ORIC acts as Focal Point for dealing with internees placed by DO (HRM) Faisalabad and without clearance by ORIC no letter will be issued by any faculty member to the internee for payment of stipend/ attendance report etc.

  1. If an internee placed at UAF is already receiving any scholarship/financial assistance by any source, it will be stopped during the internship period. He/she will refund if scholarship/financial assistant received, after joining as internee at UAF.
  2. The ORIC will identify the department/institute before placement of the internees (as per professional degree/diploma of the internee) and it will ensure that the internee may not be placed in the parent department (if the internee is UAF Alumni)
  3. The internees will only be entertained at UAF having placement/offer letters issued by DO (HRM) Faisalabad. Those internees who were sent by APTAMA must revalidate their placement letters from DO (HRM), Faisalabad.
  4. The Director of the institute/Chairperson of the department will not issue attendance /absent/progress report of the internee directly to DO (HRM). It will be routed through ORIC.

Internship 2023

Internship 2022